Tuesday 22 March 2011

Abs without crunches that will stop back pain! Too good to be true? read on......


  1. Hi, are you saying the exercise you shown will cause more back pain to a person with scoliosis? I'm confused with the wordings... you shown 2 exercises, you also mentioned 2 exercises... which i which?!

  2. Anonymous,

    Fair question!! These two exercises will defiantly help with back pain by stretching and lengthening your ab muscles. The reason why I started off talking about the other types of ab exercises is to demonstrate how inefficient they are compared to the standard sit up crunch. However the 2 main ones that I talked about and demonstrated are fantastic for a ab work out, and also for protecting your back. Is there any particular ab work out that you do, that you think is better? if so I would like to know about it because I love trying out new exercises....
